PCI Compliance

Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards (PCI DSS) is a set of rules established by the PCI Security Standards Council and enforced by the credit card associations (Visa®, Mastercard®, Discover®, etc.) to help avoid breaches and protect consumers from compromises of personal data and credit card numbers.

You’re Automatically RegisteredAs a valued merchant customer, you are automatically registered in the PCI DSS Program, but you still need to become PCI DSS compliant. Open an account with SecurityMetrics®, our third  party PCI compliance administrator, and complete compliance requirements online. An Added Benefit as Our Merchant Customer Other processors may mandate compliance, charge a high fee and provide little or no support, even requiring you to seek compliance on your own. It‘s important to work with a processor that provides a source to ensure you meet all PCI DSS requirements to help protect you and your customers’ data.

Safeguard Against Data Breaches with SecurityMetrics

It’s essential that you help protect your customers from potential data breaches when they use a credit card. With the right tools and information, you can help protect them and your business.

SecurityMetrics offers their PCI DSS Program to Professional Solutions customers for $90 per account per year, regardless of your business size. You will work directly with them to become PCI DSS compliant and protect sensitive data.

PCI DSS Program Benefits

PCI Compliance

Whether you process through a phone line, Internet or IP connection, you’ll have access to questionnaires and network scanning services to help you become PCI DSS compliant.

PANscan® Technology

This state-of-the-art software solution is simple and efficient and detects if you are unknowingly storing nonencrypted primary account numbers (PANs) on networks, computers or storage devices. PANs are the primary targets of hackers.

Technical Support

Call a specialist at 800-437-0712, option 8, 24 hours a day/7 days a week to help you with all of your PANscan and PCI DSS needs.

man on laptop

Frequently Asked Questions about PCI DSS

Have additional questions about PCI DSS? Check out our list of FAQs.

View FAQs

The credit card processing program is administered through Professional Solutions Financial Services, a division of NCMIC Finance Corporation (NCMIC). SecurityMetrics and NCMIC are separate companies, are not agents of one another and have no authority to bind one another to financial or other contractual obligations. The PCI DSS Program is custom to NCMIC and differs from any descriptions on the SecurityMetrics website. Every merchant is required to be compliant with PCI DSS pursuant to the NCMIC Finance Corporation Merchant Agreement. Trademarks referenced are the property of their respective owners.