Texas Policyholders: Notice to policyholders recently affected by severe weather. 

Donning and Doffing PPE

Wearing PPE is paramount - but it's also important to know how to properly put it on (don) and take it off (doff) to reduce contamination.

As practices start to reopen their doors, you may have staff members wearing Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) who have never been required to before. Even those who have worn PPE in the past probably haven’t had to wear it all day, every day, with frequent changes.  

Now more than ever, it’s important to ensure that everyone is using PPE effectively. In one recent study, a fluorescent material was used in a simulated situation to reveal where PPE was failing. Afterward, ultraviolet light showed — rather graphically — the need for staff training. In an article published in March 2019, a study revealed 39% of healthcare workers demonstrated errors in removing their PPE.   

So, while you are getting the rest of your “ducks in a row” to comply with the state, local, CDC and OSHA guidelines, take some time to review, refresh, and train your staff on how to properly put on (don) and take off (doff) that PPE to reduce contamination. Don’t forget to document the training. 

Additional Resources