Texas Policyholders: Notice to policyholders recently affected by severe weather. 

Helpful Information to Share With Patients

Here are some tips to help your patients feel safe and ready to face the world.

Updated March 24, 2020

The global changes happening because of COVID-19 are unchartered territory for all of us. While the person best equipped to take care of you is you, we’ve got your back (pun intended). We clean our offices every night, and antiseptic wipes are used on every surface between patient visits. Even before the COVID-19, we were diligent about washing our hands regularly throughout the day. And we ask anyone coming to our offices to stay home if they feel even slightly unwell.

Here are some tips to help you and your family feel safe and ready to face the world.

In General

Wash, wash, wash your hands. Did you know soap and water are more effective than hand sanitizer (and apparently easier to find right now)? To be the most effective against germs, wash for at least 20 seconds – the amount of time takes to hum Row-Row-Row Your Boat three times.

Be sneeze- and cough-courteous. Coughing or sneezing into the inner crook of your arm catches droplets that would otherwise end up in the air or on the surfaces around you. The COVID-19 virus is primarily transmitted through droplets, so containing them is essential to halting the spread.

Don’t touch your face! The easiest way to get sick (with any kind of virus) is to introduce germs from your hands to mucus membranes – like your eyes, nose and mouth.

Netflix and chill. Avoid social gatherings and shopping right now. Stay at home, cuddle with your pets, and binge a new show.

Out in the World

Wipe it out. Many of us do this anyway, but use the complimentary wet wipes at the grocery store entrance to clean the cart handle.

Declutter! A clean desk or counter is easier to sanitize.

Personal space. Social distancing is key right now. Keep at least 6 feet between you and others when possible. (Close family members are exempt, of course.)

Sharing = caring? Not right now! We’re usually all about sharing, but for now the kindest thing you can do is avoid sharing food, drinks and lotion – and the germs that ride with them.

Breathe in, breathe out. Ventilation is a good thing. Weather and location permitting, crack a window.

Taking Care of Yourself

Be on your best behavior. Keep yourself in good shape by getting plenty of sleep, being physically active, drinking lots of water and eating nutritious foods. A stressed body is a weak body, so manage your stress through exercise, meditation or conversation with a trusted friend.

Self-care matters. Caring for yourself is the best thing you can do for your overall health.


Looking for some trusted facts about COVID-19? We recommend these resources:



