Financial Rating
A.M. Best Rates Us “A” (Excellent)
A.M. Best, an industry analyst, has rated Professional Solutions Insurance Company “A” (Excellent) for financial strength and operating performance. That rating is based on their independent review of our financial strength and stability.
What does it mean for our policyholders?It means we take our financial stability seriously. With a history dating back to 1946, you can count on us to focus on a solid foundation that will continue to support our customers. How do we support our customers? We rely on our nearly 75 years of experience to make sound decisions that culminate in continued protection for our customers. There are many areas we consider when it comes to underwriting, pricing, establishing reserves and investing. We find the balance that our customers have come to trust over the years. Not only are we here to champion your profession, we're here to protect your reputation and livelihood.