Texting vs Calling: Using The Best Method to Communicate

Texting can be a great tool in personal relationships, but is it appropriate to use professionally?

Personally and professionally, we increasingly rely on texting as a form of a communication. After all, it is quick, convenient, and gets the job done — but does it?  Texting can be a great tool in personal relationships; however, when it comes to business situations, the most reliable forms of communication are still telephone and email. These methods remain the preferred forms for most businesses.

For example, texts could go unanswered because you have typed the number in wrong, the recipient has recently changed numbers, or they have a phone that doesn’t allow texting. Critical or deadline-specific communications should never rely on text alone to get the message across.

On the other hand, many practices have had great success using text-based systems to confirm or remind patients of appointments.

In our rush to communicate, it’s easy to forget basic professional etiquette that we should maintain even when texting (especially when texting). These best practices will help you avoid miscommunication.

Never Assume a Number Allows Texting

  • If you unwittingly text a landline, you may not receive a notification that the text didn’t go through.
  • Similarly, don’t assume a phone you’re texting will convert a text message to a voice message.

Get Permission

Make sure you have received permission to text your patient, client or business associate before doing so. If you have received permission to text:

  • Keep the message short
  • Don’t text urgent matters
  • Pay attention to business hours and text only during that timeframe
  • Maintain your professionalism in your text message (check for punctuation, spelling, etc.)
  • Watch out for autocorrect
  • Read voice-to-text messages when they are transcribed before they are sent
  • Avoid trying to be witty or humorous
  • Avoid using emojis and abbreviations

Texting can be an efficient and convenient tool for your business when used appropriately and with permission; but be sure to keep these best practices in mind when implementing texting as a communications method.