Physician Continuing Education

Earn CME credits and provide risk management education for your staff.

Professional Solutions collaborates with various CME companies to provide our policyholders and their staff with options for online CMEs. Premium discounts* can be earned for completing courses produced by Professional Solutions or courses provided by the approved companies below. Access to the approved courses is available through this website.

Policyholders can earn a 0.5% premium discount for every 1 hour of CME credit. For example, a 6-hour CME course provides the opportunity to earn a 3% premium discount. The maximum discount applied in any given policy period cannot exceed 15%. Office staff are welcome to complete courses, however, staff cannot earn premium discounts on behalf of the physician. Premium discounts for these courses are in effect for one policy period.


Select the link below to view course details:

* Some restrictions apply if you are receiving other discounts. All risk management offerings must be completed at least 90 days prior to the renewal date. 

Online programming is available through third parties, and course content is not owned or controlled by Professional Solutions. Consult your local state laws and specialty society for additional guidance and advice regarding specialty-specific concerns.