
Workers’ Compensation

On-the-job injuries and accidents happen. Make sure you’re prepared.

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Workers’ Comp Protects You, Too

Most states require businesses to have workers’ compensation insurance, with good reason: Workers’ compensation helps protect everyone involved. 

Employees: Staff members are covered if they are injured on the job — that means on workplace premises, visiting another location for work, or in an auto accident while on official work business. (Driving to and from work does not qualify.)

Employer: You’re protected from lawsuits resulting from workplace accidents.

typical coverage

Typical Coverage

Plans vary between states, but workers’ comp insurance typically covers:

  • Medical treatment for injured employees (i.e. broken arm)
  • Occupational hazards such as disease exposure (i.e. emphysema)
  • Employers liability (damages to a 3rd party where employer is liable for an injury)
  • Temporary disability (up to 2/3 of average weekly wage)
  • Permanent impairment (i.e. loss of finger)
  • Total disability (usually paid in a lump sum)
  • Death benefit (paid to survivor dependents)

State Requirements 

Most states require businesses to carry workers' compensation insurance to cover work-related injuries or illnesses. Even if yours doesn’t, protecting yourself and your business is a sound decision.

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