
Umbrella Insurance

If you exceed the liability limits on your other policies, umbrella insurance can help make up the difference.

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Umbrella Insurance — What It Is & What It Isn't

A personal umbrella insurance policy can provide additional affordable coverage if you reach the liability limits on your other personal insurance policies such as your homeowners or vehicle insurance. 

What’s covered

  • Others’ injuries
  • Others’ property damages 
  • Liability claims such as libel, slander and false imprisonment
  • Your legal defense

What isn’t covered

  • Damage to your personal property
  • Your own injuries
  • Intentional or criminal acts
  • Liability you assume under a contract


You’re found to be at fault in a car accident. Between car repairs, hospital bills and lost wages, the owner of the other car is awarded $600,000 in damages. Your auto liability policy maxes out at $300,000, which means you have to come up with the other $300,000. An umbrella policy would help cover that.

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