Texas Policyholders: Notice to policyholders recently affected by severe weather. 

Coronavirus Policy Updates


Coverage for COVID-19 Related Claims

Will I Be Covered for Patient Claims Related to COVID-19?

Generally, yes. It is Professional Solutions' intent to cover allegations of malpractice related to COVID-19. Professional Solutions does not plan to restrict coverage for patient claims related to the pandemic. However, the policy is subject to generally applicable terms and conditions.  Ultimately, any coverage determination will be based on the specific facts and allegations of the claim.

Note: Your Professional Solutions policy only provides coverage for professional negligence. If you are concerned about coverage for other COVID-19 issues related to running your office, please review your other insurance coverages and contact your carrier or agent directly with any insurance questions, not related to your malpractice coverage with Professional Solutions.

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Additional Resources

From how to talk to patients who want to cancel appointments to a sharable flyer for your office, we’ve developed a number of resources to help you handle the impact on your practice, staff and patients

State Resources

Stay up to date on what's happening in your state. 


Professional Solutions Webinars

For additional trusted resources about the coronavirus, we recommend these websites. We will monitor and update the list as the situation evolves.

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