Personalized Risk Assessment

Help reduce risk and potentially save money with a Personalized Risk Assessment.

Request an Assessment

A Personalized Risk Assessment (PRA) helps identify opportunities to limit or reduce your risk of medical malpractice actions. 

The goal of the PRA is to provide a heightened awareness of risk areas in your practice and to improve patient safety. Policyholders can request an onsite Personalized Risk Assessment (PRA) to help:

  • Identify potential areas of risk in your practice
  • Determine your risk tolerance level
  • Identify needed risk management activities

Premium Discounts

Physicians may qualify for a premium discount* with an overall score of 70% or better. The discount is based on the score achieved during the on-site PRA. Discounts are applied to policy renewal when the PRA is completed at least 90 days prior to your renewal date.  Discounts are valid for three years.

Assessment Topics 

The topics covered during the assessment include:

  • Medication Management
  • Quality/Patient Safety
  • Tracking Systems
  • Patient Care Documentation
  • Communication 

The PRA Process

Ready to get started? Here’s what to expect.

  1. First, request an onsite Personalized Risk Assessment (PRA)
  2. A Professional Solutions risk manager will contact you to schedule an appointment.
  3. Prepare for your onsite PRA.
  4. The day of your assessment will include:
    1. Answering a series of questions from risk manager (approximately 45 minutes)
    2. Reviewing policy and procedure documents (approximately 30 minutes)
    3. Reviewing select, random patient medical records for each physician (approximately 30-45 minutes per physician)
    4. Exit meeting, which includes verbal report of findings (30 minutes)  
  5. The final assessment is emailed to the physician or designated office personnel

* Some restrictions apply if you are receiving other discounts.